This is a very important topic to understand as it links food to mental health. But first let’s understand the gut brain connection. So our gut is a group of organs that includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, small intestine, colon, and rectum. There are millions of nerves and neurons that run between the gut and the brain which has a major effect on each other. When one is not okay it affects the other. Therefore what we eat has a direct effect on our brain. Also when digestion is not optimum it can affect our moods, focus levels, we can get more irritated, so on and so forth. So this is why it is so important to eat wholesome and nutritive food as it is what fuels our brain eventually. There is tons of research done on how, when you change your food habits a lot of mental health conditions can be reduced and in many cases reversed as well.
We all know about dopamine and serotonin etc. but there is another piece to this which we generally miss. We all are essentially made up of energy and everything around us is made up of energy which includes fruits and vegetables. Some foods have dense energy and some are light in nature. Foods like refined sugars, processed foods, are more dense and heavy in nature. Whereas vegetables, fruits, are lighter. Now, we are all familiar with like attracts like. So when you consistently feel the need to fill yourself with food that is dense in nature, think and see how come that is the case. What is it that you are feeling within that is attracting you towards this kind of food. And when you naturally get drawn to healthy options, what is it within which is driving that. A quick way to check in with self is what am I feeling attracted to consistently in terms of food, which itself will tell you a lot about what you are feeling within. Off course I am not talking about the once in a while temptations but it’s for all of us to understand, how much eating wholesome food is essential and it’s time we train ourselves to eat nutritive and healthy food 🙂