I welcome you on this journey of understanding yourself better. Super happy for you to be here and taking this course with me.
What is this course about?
This course will help you build a better relationship with yourself. In my opinion that is the best and rather the only way to deal with any challenges that come your way. It will take you to places you may have not visited in a long time like your childhood, certain pleasant and certain unpleasant memories. But it is important to revisit those places as a lot of our thinking and understanding relies on the environment we are brought up in and the experiences we have had. It has a direct relation with what you are going through currently and the choices you make in your current life. This will help you to understand certain aspects of yourself, like how come I react when someone says this to me, or how come this specific topic triggers me, why do I need approval from others constantly, why is it hard for me to rely on myself for any decisions, how come my happiness depends on how others treat me, how come I don’t feel the confidence I felt before, so on and so forth.
Understanding self is not a one course job, but rather a work in progress throughout your life. But this course will kick start the process and help you to get a deeper understanding of you, your behaviours, your traits, your personality and more so who you would like to be going forward and what you would like to attract in your life through your own choices.
There are 12 modules with questions you have to answer. Remember, you are answering for yourself and if you are not honest it will not benefit you. It is for no one else that you are doing this. There is a particular reason for the modules to be lined up in a certain way. So please go deep within to search for these answers as a lot will open up for you in your life along with newer and brighter perspectives.
Each module has a video where I have shared my experience with that particular topic or just certain tips of how it has helped me, to make it more easier for you. You will not be able to jump to the next module or question without first completing the question you are on. At the end you will receive a completion certificate and a free session with me to discuss about the course and any other questions you may have. Also through the course feel free to email me if you have any questions.
What can one achieve through this course?
- It will teach you how to look within for the resources.
- It will help you to be more dependent on self for happiness than relying on any outside sources.
- It will help you to rely on self and understand self, more than you can imagine.
- It will help you to be more responsive than reactive in situations
- It will help you to feel free from within.
- Give you tools on how to go through difficult situations.
- Give you an understanding of your own inner strength.
- You will operate from your authentic self.
- Learn to live in the present moment.
- Most importantly be your OWN BEST friend.
Extremely excited for you to take this course and find a NEW YOU through this process. Hope you enjoy this course.